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Bonnyville Minor Hockey will host their 2023 Spring AGM April 19th at 7:00pm in the Centennial Centre Lecture Hall, doors Open 6:30. Please note all Division Director, Vice President and Secretary are open for election. Please email registrar@bonnyvilleminorhockey if you are interested in either previously noted positions. Please note Special Resolution to pass updated Bylaws.
Every Member of the BMHA shall have the privilege of nominating themselves and or a qualified representative for each Executive Committee and Board of Director position open for election and or appointment in any given year. Candidates may only be made by current members in good standing and expression of interest must be received a minimum of 1 week prior to the Annual General Meeting.
a). Any member seeking election as the President or Vice President must have served at least one full hockey season on the current association board. (Experience will be reviewed on an individual basis by the Executive Committee).
b). Any member seeking election as the Financial Consultant/Treasurer must submit their resume and qualifications to the Committee a minimum of one week prior to the Spring AGM. In the event that a qualified Financial Consultant/Treasurer cannot be found, Association Board reserves the right to have this position contracted out to a duly qualified individual or business.
c). Any member expressing interest as the AA Director must provide a letter of intent a minimum of one week prior to the Spring AGM. In the event that a qualified AA Director cannot be found, the Association Board reserves the right to have this position appointed.
*BMHA reserves the right to ask that candidates written notice, include their Curriculum Vitae (resume) and covering letter of no more than 1 page explaining their proposed action for the benefit of the BMHA